First Part : Lights

Part l - Lights started with the end of university and the beginning of language classes.
In the beginning of the language class, I had to study 8 to 9 hours a day due to the volume of lessons, and later with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it increased even more, and my life was divided into studying and taking photos.
At that time, my only entertainment was taking photos throughout the day and seeing them from night to night, and loneliness had become one of my biggest daily struggles.
These conditions progressed to a point where my window became my friend, and seeing light became one of the reasons for my happiness. However, this process gradually improved and as COVID-19 became more normal, I returned to a normal life and came out of the cave of loneliness, and events happened that made the problems of that time seem very distant and small.
I continued this series until I felt that I had changed overall, and the subsequent photos do not have a place in this collection.

. The photos in this series are arranged chronologically.